Artificial intelligence and learning

Artificial intelligence & learning: Will AI transform how we teach? Artificial intelligence (AI) is no doubt a topic of interest at the moment, the possibilities are vast with the potential to revolutionise many aspects of our lives, including education. As AI technologies continue to advance, educators are increasingly exploring how these tools can be leveraged […]

Future Proofing Students

Future-Proofing students for emerging jobs: A guide for teachers and school leaders. Future-proofing students for emerging jobs: A guide for teachers and school leaders In an ever-changing job market, preparing students for careers that may not yet exist is one of the greatest challenges faced by educators and career advisors in Australian Schools. Technological advancements, […]

Educational Adventures

Educational Adventures across Australia. Take a look at our list of all the amazing educational adventures in each state of Australia.  This list includes many that you know and lots that you may not be aware of.  Each one will provide an inspirational and educational experience for students.  Download your own pdf copy of our […]