
Create a Universal Cover Letter

SchoolHouse was created to save you time by introducing a universal application that can be used to apply for jobs and openly follow schools. 

A number of schools stress the importance of cover letters, notably for teachers.  At the same time, many candidates have told us how time-consuming it is to create and re-create cover letters.   

Whether you are using our web-based software to create a profile and openly follow schools, or you are registered with our recruiters, a quality universal cover letter will help you stand out from the crowd while saving you time. 

The Importance of AITSL standards.

Ultimately, schools are after information that shows how your teaching and learning aligns with the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) standards.

Here are some tips to help you craft an effective teacher cover letter with a focus on AITSL standards:

    • Research and understand the AITSL standards (we have summarised them below)
    • While doing so, think about how your teaching reflects the standard you are focused on.  Don’t just think “yes” I do.  For each think up an example that demonstrates your applied knowledge of the standard in focus.  
    • The standards that quickly trigger examples will be the ones to start with.  
    • Covering all 7 would be fantastic, but simply addressing the ones that jump out as authentic components of your teaching and learning is fine.
    • Address the standard in focus and enrich it will your example.  Keep it to a simple summary.  
    • Be sure to write with pithy.
    • Close by expressing your eagerness to discuss your skills, knowledge, and abilities further in an interview. Thank the reader for their time and consideration.

The AITSL Standards

Know students and how they learn:

    • This standard focuses on understanding the diverse needs, backgrounds, and abilities of students.
    • Teachers are expected to tailor their teaching approaches to meet the individual learning needs of students.

Know the content and how to teach it:

    • Teachers are required to have a deep and up-to-date knowledge of their subject matter.
    • They should also have effective pedagogical skills to convey this content effectively to students.

Plan for and implement effective teaching and learning:

    • Teachers must plan and deliver lessons that are engaging, relevant, and aligned with curriculum requirements.
    • They should use a variety of strategies to promote student learning and achievement.

Create and maintain supportive and safe learning environments:

    • This standard emphasises the importance of creating a positive and inclusive classroom environment.
    • Teachers should establish clear expectations for behavior and ensure the safety and well-being of students.

Assess, provide feedback, and report on student learning:

    • Teachers are responsible for assessing student progress and providing constructive feedback.
    • They should use assessment data to inform their teaching and communicate student outcomes to parents and guardians.

Engage in professional learning:

    • Continuous professional development is essential for teachers.
    • This standard encourages teachers to seek opportunities for growth, reflection, and learning.

Engage professionally with colleagues, parents/carers, and the community:

    • Teachers are expected to collaborate with colleagues, work closely with parents and caregivers, and engage with the broader community to support student learning.
    • Effective communication and teamwork are vital in this standard.

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